Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Talkative Kid May Become A Well-Respected Orator

In history there has always been great orators.   The Greeks had Demosthenes who legend has it stuffed pebbles in his mouth to work on his oratory.   World War 2 England had Winston Churchill.   And also during WW2, the Germans had Hitler and the Italians had Mussolini.  And of course Americans had Franklin Roosevelt who inspired a nation during the Great Depression and then an army to defeat  Nazi Germany and Japan.

Franklin Roosevelt 

Eagles Talent Speakers Bureau lists the following historical people as great orators:

  • Martin Luther King
  • Nelson Mandela 
  • Mohandas Gandhi 
  • Abraham Lincoln 
  • John F. Kennedy
  • Ronald Reagan 

Mohandas Gandhi

People know that being able to advance both socially and professionally, the ability to speak before groups of people is often times a necessity.  The famous Dale Carnegie courses for self-improvement include speech as one  necessary skill for success.   The non profit Toast Masters International has meetings throughout the world dedicated to the art of public speaking. 

Dale Carnegie 

Americans pay high prices for tickets, team merchandise or  products endorsed by an athlete.   Musicians and actors are handsomely compensated for their talents.

Attendees to a ball game, concert, or movie expect to be entertained.   As long as celebs  entertain, the money will keep flowing to them.

But apparently, there is great entertainment value for corporations and universities to pay big bucks for public speakers  and some ex politicians as Bill Clinton have made a very lucrative income to just talk and people to listen. 

Recently, Bill Clinton's better half---Hillary---has been challenged by her rivals for being paid substantial amounts of money for addressing Goldman Sachs clients or employees.    One has to wonder what the hell Hillary actually said which made it worth paying her about $600, 000 in annual speaking fees  to that Wall Street corporation.

Perhaps Hillary has a comedic talent that most Americans cannot appreciate?  Were the speeches lengthy enough  to warrant such a high hourly fees?  Were her speeches below the going rate to court Wall Street supporters for her Presidential campaign?  What Goldman Sachs official actually authorized such large amounts of money to hear a speech? 

Hillary wants to be President but at the time of this writing is a Presidential wannabe.   But should the day she becomes an ex-President, she could be handsomely well paid for her talent to just talk.

Tom Murse of About News describes How Much Former Presidents Are Paid to Speak.      The break down according to Murse as well as other sources list similar amounts are:

  • Bill Clinton ($750,000)
  • George W. Bush ($175,000)
  • George H.W. Bush  ($75,000) 
  • Jimmy Carter (does not take money for speeches) 

Jimmy Carter 

Should an ex-president Barrack Obama enter the speaker's gambit, he will likely be near the top of this exclusive list. 

Scott Wilson (ABC News) listed in his news article, In Demand: Washington's Highest (and Lowest) Speaking Fees,  the following rates political celebrities charge per speech:

  • Hillary Clinton ($200,000)
  • Tim Geitner ($200,000)
  • Ben Bernanke ($200,000 - $400,000) 
  • Condoleeza Rice ($150,000)
  • Larry Summers ($150,000)
  • Al Gore ($100,000)
  • Sarah Palin ($100,000)
  • Dick Cheney ($75,000
  • Mitt Romney ($68,000)
  • Newt Gingrich ($60,000)
  • Ron Paul ($50,000)
  • Jeb Bush ($50,000) 
  • Colin Powell ($50,000) 
  • Madeline Albright ($50,000) 

Not a bad pay check for one day's work!

So if you are a parent with a talkative kid in your life, help nurture that talent. He may become a well-respected orator on his way to making a very lucrative living inspiring people. 

“I find politicians’ speeches moving. Sometimes I don’t even pack up before forever leaving their vicinity.” ― Jarod Kintz,

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